A primary goal of a human resource department is to manage and organize employees so that they can be as productive as possible, as this generally leads to more revenue. HR personnel, therefore, think very critically about the number of people per shift, team assignments, motivational offers like bonuses, and keeping morale high. These factors can have strong correlations, so the difficulty is how to make changes in one area without overly affecting another. It can be challenging to make modifications and “correct” arrangements that don’t strain the company’s budget.
Increasing productivity is one of the most critical goals in business. Unfortunately, it’s an activity seldom accepted by HR professionals as a legitimate mandate. While most HR professionals acknowledge that their job entails establishing policy, procedures, and programs governing people management, few attempt to connect such elements to increasing employee output (volume, speed, and quality) per each dollar spent on labor costs (or as an easier to measure alternative, revenue per employee).
Bonus programs are typically enacted that keep total compensation in line with market trends, regardless of the value of work warranting incentive comp. Training tools are often secured via the lowest-cost provider method with minimal consideration given to which provider would be most effective. Recruiting practices too are more often managed with the primary goal of minimizing cost, not enabling business capability/capacity. Regardless of the function you look at, in the typical organization, HR is more concerned with executing transactions instead of delivering productivity solutions.
If you believe as most should that the combined efforts of the human resource function should positively influence the performance capability of the workforce instead of hindering it, you should understand the factors that influence performance.
Navreen Azleena [MBA HR]
Human Resources Dept
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